
What is MacroBase?

MacroBase is a new analytic monitoring engine designed to prioritize human attention in large-scale datasets and data streams. Unlike a traditional analytics engine, MacroBase is specialized for one task: finding and explaining unusual or interesting trends in data.

Under the hood, MacroBase is architected for rapid adaptation to new application domains. MacroBase has been successfully used for analyses in domains including datacenter and mobile application monitoring, industrial manufacturing, and video and satellite image analysis.

MacroBase supports streaming operation, meaning that once users identify an important behavior, they can track it continuously over time.

How can I run MacroBase queries?

The simplest way to use MacroBase is through our SQL interface. Using our extended version of SQL, users can segment their datasets by key performance metrics (e.g., power drain, latency) and query for explanations of anomalous or abnormal behavior across important metadata attributes (e.g., hostname, device ID). For example, MacroBase may report that queries running on host #5 are 10x more likely to experience high latency than the rest of the cluster, or that devices of type "X103" are 30x more likely to experience high power drain.

MacroBase also has a UI that offers simple point-and-click functionality for specifying user queries. Users can highlight the key performance metrics they care about, select which metadata attributes to explore, and let MacroBase find explanations of the anomalous or interesting trends in the data. For more, check out our UI Tutorial.

MacroBase is designed for extensibility, and there are a number of more advanced interfaces you can use to program the system and execute more complex query functionality.

More information

Feel free to open GitHub issues or email us at The development branches contain most of the action. A detailed technical overview of the project is available on arXiv.